Welcome to the chair of Political Geography
Our teaching is mainly in the area of political geography and we offer different types of classes in all degree programmes in Geography available in Bayreuth.
Current research is focused on the local dimensions of armed political conflicts, the political geographies of climate change and the political ecology of moblity and immobility. Our regional focus is West and Central Africa.
We hope that you will find this website helpful. If you need further information, please contact us directly!
Member of:
The 11 professors of the Department of Geography offer a broad and innovative range of theoretically based empirical research and teaching. ...more
The Institute of African Studies (IAS) promotes and coordinates African studies in 12 subject groups distributed over the six faculties of the University of Bayreuth. This broad range of disciplines within African studies is unique in the German-speaking countries. ...more
The Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS) is now in the second phase funded by the German Research Foundation as part of the Excellence Initiative since 2007. In the focus of this unique structure of creative and innovative training are approximately 100 Junior Fellows from 27 African, American, Asian and European countries. …more
The ‚Africa Multiple‘ cluster of Excellence seeks to realign Bayreuth’s African Studies focus area in close cooperation with Africa partner institutions. It will highlight the continental and transcontinental entanglements of cultural, linguistic, social, religious, political, economic, and ecological processes. The research conducted in the cluster will thus enable a more precise understanding of these processes. ...more