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MA Kamal Donko Dr. Kamal Donko
MA Kamal Donko

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Political Geography


Current position: Researcher at LASDEL Benin


2014-2020Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS)
PHD in Political Geography
2009- 2011University of Cologne (Germany)
Master of Arts and Humanities « Culture& Environment in Africa » 
2005- 2008Université d’Abomey-Calavi/FLASH
Bachelor in Sociology- Anthropology

Professional Experience: 

June 2023Institution: Auswärtiges Amt & LASDEL Benin
Position: Expert in Crisis Prevention and Stabilisation
Feb. - Mar. 2023Institution: AFD/LASDEL 
Postion: Senior researcher on returnee migrants agricultural entrepreneurship
2020- 2023Institution: DFG/ Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence. University of Bayreuth 

Position: Post-doctoral researcher on:

Migration Control, Forced Immobility & Violent Mobilization and (Im)Mobility Regimes in the Borderlands
Oct.- Dec. 2021

Institution: Handicap International (HI)/LASDEL-Benin
Position: Associate Researcher on: Conflits, violence armée et cohésion sociale au Nord Togo et Nord Bénin

Apr.- Sept. 2021

Institution: UNFCCC /AgriClimax Consulting
Position: Associate Researcher on "Community Adaptation Learning for Farmers' Organisations in Borgou

2014- 2020

Institution: DFG/ University of Bayreuth/Chair of Political Geography

Position: PhD Student/Associate Researcher on Migration and new technologies of border control in the Sahel

(In)mobility, migration control and violent extremism in the Sahel and terrorism and insecurity in the Sahel

2006- 2010Institution: BMBF/ IMPETUS 
Position: Research Assistant/ Research Officer/ Senior Team Leader (Upper Ouémé Valley)

Workshops and conferences

June 2023 Workshop “From Warning to Action-the Case of West African Coastal States” (Berlin, Germany)
Federal Foreign Office
April 2023International Colloquium on : « les crises sécuritaires et déplacements de populations» (Ouagadougou, Burkina- Faso)
Université Joseph KI-ZERBO 
November 2022Workshop: “Return Migration and Gender in West Africa”
(Banjul, Gambia)


April 2022.Webinar on: “Migration in cities. Managing the Humanitarian Crisis” (Online Webinar)

Centre of

 Migration Research
April 2017Workshop: “Intra-State conflict (Bonn, Germany)

African Good Governance- DAAD

June 2017Workshop: “Democracy” (Berlin, Germany)
African Good Governance- DAAD
November 2017Workshop: “Europe and Africa…” (Brussels, Belgium)
African Good Governance- DAAD
March 2016International Colloque:  “Entre ordre et instabilité…” (Cotonou, Benin)
International Colloque:  “Entre ordre et instabilité…”



Doevenspeck, M.; Donko, K.; Iwuoha, V. (2023): Bewaffnete Konflikte in westafrikanischen Grenzräumen. Geographische Rundschau 2023-9: 20-24.

Doevenspeck, M., & Donko, K. (2023). Infrastructures of Migrant (Im) mobilities in the Borderland of Burkina Faso and Niger. Society, 1-10.

Donko, K., Doevenspeck, M., Nassi, K. M., Imorou, A-B. (2023) : Contrôle des migrations et dynamiques transfrontalières au sahel : le cas de Kantchari/Makalondi (Burkina-Faso/Niger). Publications LASMO. DEZAN, Volume 11, Numéro 1, Juin 2023. ISSN 1840-717-X DU 4ème trimestre. Dépôt Légal N°6378 du 4ème trimestre.

Prokoph, N., Donko, K., & Doevenspeck, M. (2023). West African Borderlands: Between ECOWAS Free Movement and EU Externalization Policy. In ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement and the AfCFTA in West Africa: Costs, Benefits and Challenges (pp. 141-168). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.


Donko, K. (2022). Territory, Power and Politics at a Frontier in Central Benin. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Doevenspeck, M., Donko, K., & Beisel, U. (2022). Migration controls at the Burkina Faso-Niger borderland reveal European attitudes to African livelihoods. Africa at LSE.

Donko, K., Doevenspeck, M., & Beisel, U. (2022). Migration control, the local economy and violence in the Burkina Faso and Niger borderland. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 37(2), 235-251.


Breuer, A., Doevenspeck, M., Donko, K., & Ouedraogo, S. (2021). COVID-19 and (Im) mobilities in West Africa.


Doevenspeck, M., Hollstegge, J., & Donko, K. (2019). Migrationskontrolle in Westafrika.


Donko, K., & Doevenspeck, M. (2018). Néo-toponymes dans les zones de colonisation agricole du centre-Bénin: enjeux spatio-politiques. Annales de la FASHS: Nouvelle Édition, 1, 4-25.

MA Kamal Donko

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Political Geography

Research interests

  • Migration Studies
  • (Forced)Im/moblities
  • (In)securities and border studies
  • Peace & Conflict Studies
  • Conflicts over natural resources in Sub-Saharan Africa
MA Kamal Donko

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Political Geography



Kamal Donko, Martin Doevenspeck: Frontières troublées, paix possible : réinventer la médiation dans le nord du Bénin face aux défis du terrorisme. In: Revue Internationale de la Recherche Scientifique, 2 (2024). - S. 929-944.

Kamal Donko, Martin Doevenspeck: Impact du terrorisme sur l'éducation : fermeture d'écoles au Burkina Faso, Niger et Nord Benin. In: Zaouli : Revue Ivoirienne des Arts, des Sciences de l’Information et du Patrimoine, 7 (2024). - S. 108-125.

Kamal Donko, Ramanou Aboudo, Martin Doevenspeck: L'oléoduc par le bas : enjeux socioéconomiques et récits locaux sur une méga infrastructure dans le nord du Bénin. In: Suds, (2024). - .


Martin Doevenspeck, Kamal Donko, Victor Iwuoha: Bewaffnete Konflikte in westafrikanischen Grenzräumen. In: Geographische Rundschau, 75 (2023). - S. 20-24.

Kamal Donko, Martin Doevenspeck, Karl Martial Nassi, Abou-Bakari Imorou: Contrôle des migrations et dynamiques transfrontalières au Sahel : le cas de Kantchari/Makalondi (Burkina-Faso/Niger). In: Revue Dezan, 11 (2023). - S. 83-113.

Martin Doevenspeck, Kamal Donko: Infrastructures of Migrant (Im)mobilities in the Borderland of Burkina Faso and Niger. In: Society, 60 (2023). - S. 310-319.

Nicole Prokoph, Kamal Donko, Martin Doevenspeck: West African Borderlands : Between ECOWAS Free Movement and EU Externalization Policy. In: Samuel Kehinde Okunade, Olusola Ogunnubi (Hrsg.): ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement and the AfCFTA in West Africa : Costs, Benefits and Challenges. - Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. - S. 141-168.


Kamal Donko, Martin Doevenspeck, Uli Beisel: Migration Control, the Local Economy and Violence in the Burkina Faso and Niger Borderland. In: Journal of Borderlands Studies, 37 (2022). - S. 235-251.


Andras Breuer, Martin Doevenspeck, Kamal Donko, Serge Ouedraogo: COVID-19 and (Im)mobilities in West Africa. - Bayreuth, 2021. - XIV, 153 S.


Martin Doevenspeck, Julian Hollstegge, Kamal Donko: Migrationskontrolle in Westafrika. In: Gabriele Obermaier (Hrsg.): Vielfältige Geographien : fachliche und kulturelle Diversität im Unterricht nutzbar machen. - Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2019. - S. 37-48.


Kamal Donko, Martin Doevenspeck: Néo-toponymes dans les zones de colonisation agricole du centre-Bénin : enjeux spatio-politiques. In: Annales de la FASHS : Nouvelle Édition, 1 (2018). - S. 4-25.

MA Kamal Donko

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Political Geography

Dr. Kamal Donko
Researcher at LASDEL Benin

​02BP1413 Dokparou-Est, Parakou (Republic of Benin)

Telefon: 49 (0) 921 / 55-7892
E-Mail: kamal.donko@uni-bayreth.de

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Martin Doevenspeck

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