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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Political Geography – Prof. Dr. Martin Doevenspeck

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Article in a journal (peer-reviewed)

Romankiewicz, Clemens; Doevenspeck, Martin; Brandt, Martin; Samimi, Cyrus
Adaptation as by-product : Migration and environmental change in Nguith, Senegal
in Die Erde vol. 147 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 95-108
doi:10.12854/erde-147-7 ...

Eklund, Lina; Romankiewicz, Clemens; Brandt, Martin; Doevenspeck, Martin; Samimi, Cyrus
Data and methods in the environment-migration nexus : a scale perspective
in Die Erde vol. 147 (2016) issue 2. - pp. 139-152
doi:10.12854/erde-147-10 ...

Doevenspeck, Martin; Mwanabiningo, Nene Morisho
Smuggling at the Congolese-Rwandan border : drivers, context and welfare impact
in Bukavu Journal of Economics and Social Sciences vol. 4 (2016) issue 3. - pp. 190-209

Article in a book (peer-reviewed)

Doevenspeck, Martin
Territoriality in Civil War : Ignored Territorial Dimensions of Violent Conflict in North ...
In: Björkdahl, Annika ; Buckley-Zistel, Susanne (ed.): Spatialising Peace and Conflict : Mapping the Production of Places, Sites and Scales of Violence - London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016. - pp. 41-59

Conference item (not peer-reviewed)

Hollstegge, Julian
Policy mobilities und ihre Grenzen : eine politische Geographie von Grenzmanagement im Süd ...
Geographisches Kolloquium der Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth

Hollstegge, Julian
Grenzmanagement im Südsudan zwischen Projekt und Praxis : zur Komplexität der Zirkulation ...
Komplexe Grenzen: Dimensionen - Dynamiken - Technologien, Frankfurt a.d. Oder

Hollstegge, Julian
De-centering the European border regime? : A view on what matters in managing mobility at ...
What matters? New Materialities and material-semiotic perspectives within critical migration and border regime studies, München

Master's, Magister, Diploma, or Admission thesis

Boß, Daniela
Obdachlosigkeit und Stadt : Geographien der Verdrängung in der Obdachlosenszene am Beispie ...
Bayreuth, 2016. - VII, 115 pp.
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...
(master's thesis, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften, Professur Raumbezogene Konfliktforschung)

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